A wet room is a fully tiled shower area that uses a floor former that sits flush with your sub floor, rather than a shower tray that sits on top. An attractive addition to any home, a wet room offers level access showering with the freedom of space and movement. It is easy to maintain and clean making it more hygienic and allows for flexibility in design, which is ideal when you need a wet room designed around your requirements.
A wet room instantly upgrades the value of your property and is a great way to get a luxurious boutique look whilst enabling accessible showering. Wet rooms allow for step free accessible showering, however we know that accessibility is relative and what is accessible for one person may be inaccessible for another. It is important therefore to deal with an experienced wet room specialist that can offer products to suit your specific needs.
Established in 1875, N&C are a British owned company who have over 30 years experience of supplying wet room solutions, and with over a century of experience in supplying bathroom products. We believe that all users are different and possess differing abilities, yet are consistent in wanting a bathroom that is stylish and one to be proud of.
We are manufacturers of the complete wet room system offering endless wet room floor former sizes, as well as a broad collection of high quality, innovative wet room screens with unique functionality encompassed within each option. Our wet room screen options can be configured to suit your existing space to enable showering amongst those with all level of abilities. Whether you shower independently or require a little assistance, we have the wet room option to suit.
Enquire about our Freespace 2 wet room screen, which has a full height or half height option. The full height option with a split screen functionality for those who require an inclusive wet room design for use by other family members or residents.
Contact us today to request a copy of our new Wet Room Collection Catalogue. www.ncphlexicare.com/contact-us,