N&C Phlexicare are raising awareness for invisible disabilities, through our FREE blue heart shaped badges which are available to claim online.
Not every person with a disability uses a wheelchair. In fact, many of us wouldn’t even assume that some people had a disability, as conditions such as Crohns Disease, Depression, Mental Health, Digestive Disorders and many more can be completely invisible. An invisible illness means that in this case, a disability is not immediately apparent to others, therefore often than none, people tend to miss understand, give off false interpretations and pass harsh comments and judgements because someone doesn’t appear to be disabled. But disability is not just about those who are in a wheelchair, it’s about understanding that sometimes we may not be able to visually see an illness, but because we cannot see it, it does not mean that it is not there.
Invisible disabilities can affect people in a variety of different ways as there are many different classifications of disabilities, some which effect people mentally or psychologically.
The importance for visibility for invisible disabilities is increasing every year, with more and more people facing judgement because they do not appear to be disabled. N&C Phlexicare have designed a blue heart shaped badge which state that “Not all disabilities are visible”. We are offering these badges FREE to the wider public who have an invisible illness. We do not expect our badges to stop arrogance, but it can help to increase the education and understanding of invisible disabilities, whilst preventing people who have an invisible condition from having to feel as though they need to prove their illness and justify their need to use disabled facilities or even ask for a seat on public transport. Our blue heart badges encourage people to be vocal about their disability, informing people of their rights for using services such as disabled toilets, lifts, and more.
We have created other resources to encourage and educate the general public, such as invisible disabilities posters. Helping raise awareness for invisible disabilities could have a great impact on many people’s lives in the near future. It’s time to raise awareness and become #InvisibleNoMore.
You can help to raise awareness by:
- Claiming your FREE blue heart badge
- Downloading our FREE invisible disabilities posters online to put up around your office or commercial building
- Take a look at our blue heart related products
- #InvisibleNoMore in your social media posts to increase awareness today
- Share your invisible disabilities story with us to inspire others
N&C Phlexicare are pioneering British manufactures and distributors of independent living solutions. We design, manufacture and supply products which allow the elderly and less able freedom into and throughout their home or building. Alongside, invisible disabilities badges, we also offer a range of blue heart related products such as the official RADAR Lock and Key System, All Inclusive Toilet Signs and more. For more information on this subject, or to find out more about our products, call us today on 0208 586 4600.